How to register an account with Carfieds

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Registering an account with Carfieds is free and easy. Registering an account only grants access to the Carfieds website functions. Billing information regarding vehicle listings (Car AD's) is securely handled separately by payment processors and NOT stored on Carfieds servers.  

Note: It is the responsibility of you the visitor and user of the Carfieds service to first read the Carfieds Terms of Service, Privacy Statement, and Disclaimer.  

Be prepared to write down all of your account registration information for safe keeping. DO NOT share your account or account login Username or Password information with anyone.  

Getting started with registering a new Carfieds account.
Click or tap the Sign in link found at the top left of any page. This will take you to the Login and Account Registration page. On smaller handheld and mobile devices it may be necessary to tap the menu bar to access the link then scroll down to access the Registration form.

Completing the "Create new account" form.

Display name
Your real name or a nickname made up of alphanumeric characters only may be used. Display name is shown to the public on your profile title, comments, reviews and as the owner name of all listings you submit to Carfieds.

Username is your secret name used with your password when logging into your account. Username can consist of alphanumeric characters and can be as simple or cryptic as you like.

Use a valid email address. This registration email address is not shown to the public and is used for correspondence between your account and the Carfieds website account verification system during registration, resetting password, and various transactional notifications necessary when interacting with the Carfieds website. We do not sell or give your contact information to third parties.

Use a strong password. Do not use common words or phrases as your password. A strong password assists in keeping your account protected by using a mix of numbers, letters and symbols as explained below.   
Password requirements:

  • password must have a minimum of 10 characters including
  • one UPPERCASE letter A-Z
  • one lowercase letter a-z
  • one numeric character 0-9
  • one symbol !@#$%^&*()

Re-type password
Enter the same password as in the previous step.

Choose account type
Click or tap the Choose account type drop down arrow and select your desired account type.
Not sure which account is right for you? Click or tap the information icon next to the Choose account type field for explanation of the different account types. More information about account types can be found in the "What member account type should I choose when registering?" article of the FAQ section.

Finishing up
Read the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer and Fraud Prevention tips and check the checkbox for "I have read and agree to the Carfieds Terms of Service Privacy policy and Disclaimer.
Verify your information.
Click the green "Register new account" button.

Go to the email account you used in registering your Carfieds account and follow the instructions in that email to verify your new Carfieds user account. Check your spam folder and add Carfieds to your contacts list or mark as not spam to prevent future emails going to spam.

Whats next?
Once successfully registering and verifying your new Carfieds user account the next step is to "Submit a user profile". Information on "How to submit a user profile" can be found in the "Website Help" section.

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